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What are Spagyrics?

 How are Spagyrics unique?

What makes spagyric tinctures so special and unique is that the entire plant gets used and allows for a total union & harmony of every vital aspect. Most tinctures available simply soak an herb or plant in alcohol for a period of time usually a few weeks to a month and then filter and discard the remaining plant matter. It is only through the spagyric process that we don’t waste any aspect of the plant and are able to utilize the left over plant material after filtering our tincture. Through incinerating that remaining “marc” we are able to extract valuable alkaline mineral salts that in alchemy are called the “Body” and add them back to the initial extracts or tincture. These hidden salts are the key that unites the Soul and Mind of each plant allowing a complete and holistic medicine.


Benefits of Spagyric Tinctures & Extracts

Increased Bioavailability

When the water soluble alkaline mineral salts are added back into our tinctures a chemical reaction takes place that converts the medicinal compounds into water soluble molecules. This reaction takes place between the highly alkaline salts and the acid based oils in the tincture allowing our body to utilize and absorb everything much easier and efficiently. Such reactions such as esterification, saponification, and low temperature decarboxylation only occur when  these mineral salts are present and not in the tradition tincturing process.

Higher Potency

Having a fully bioavailable tincture activated through the added mineral salts means we now have essentially a much higher potency extract. This allows us to get the same effect and function from a much smaller dose than a plant prepared without the added mineral salts. Spagyric tinctures produce such a powerful effect only achieved through this alchemical process making them the most potent plant medicines available.

Beyond Full Spectrum

Because spagyric tinctures & extracts utilize the entirety of a plant without wasting or throwing out anything they are considered beyond full spectrum. Through incorporating all the essential components as well as each plant's own mineral salts the entire vital profile of each plant is present in its natural harmonic proportions. It has been shown through recent research that only when a full spectrum of a plants constituents are present together a phenomenon called the “entourage effect” takes place, which is a synergy of each property of a plant acting together to produce an otherwise unavailable healing potential.


Philosophy of Spagyric Medicine

“Spagyric” is a term coined by the great 16th century Swiss alchemist, physician & philosopher Paracelsus. “Spagyria” or, “Spagyric”comes from the ancient Greek roots:  spao “to draw out”, and ageiro, “bring together”. Essentially describing the process of separating or extracting a plant’s pure medicinal aspects, purifying them, and then recombining them. This process achieves a special type of synergy between a plants different constituents and produces a truly full spectrum exalted medicine, being that all aspects of a plants Body, Mind, and Soul are present. The modern conventional herbal tincturing process leaves out the key principle of “Salt” that is normally discarded from the final remedy. It was Paracelsus that discovered that all aspects of nature, that of the mineral, plant, and animal kingdom contain three essential principles of being. A fixed physical aspect referred to as Salt or Body, a volatile aspect they called Sulfur or Soul, and a unifying principle that united body & soul they called Mercury. In the plant kingdom the Salt or Body principle is found in the crystalline mineral salts locked within the cells of a plant, the Mind or Spirit principle is the ethyl-alcohol produced during fermentation, and the Soul principle is in a plants essential oils which can be separated through steam distillation. When a plant is prepared this way it achieves a new potentiated or elevated vibrational state that offers more bioavailability and medicinal function. The alchemists of old viewed the spagyric art of preparing herbal medicines as a tool to assist in the harmonizing and purification of same three principles in Man. It was understood that this was the “Great Work” of man, to achieve the alchemical wedding of spirit and matter and be in total harmony with universal mind. Spagyrics having been purified and recombined could now allow the inner “Arkana” or virtue of a plant’s intelligence to communicate and heal not only mans body but his psychic and spiritual aspects as well. According to the ancient alchemists every herb & plant growing on earth expressed a unique vibratory frequency or signature and was symbolically associated with one of the seven planets or metals. Each planet and metal likewise corresponded to the different inner and outer constitutions of man. These seven rays of vibrational life force emanated directly from the Eternal Mind of creation and together held the cosmos in balance and harmony. They also understood that through the law of polarity that there existed the potential for this eternal harmony to become distorted and that these vibrations of creation could fall out of balance and into a state of discord and chaos. This potential for the eternal life force to become obscured or corrupted was viewed as the origin of disease and sickness both physically and psychologically. This fall from harmony could occur within all levels of nature as well as within man himself. Man being a microcosm of creation also contained each of these seven centers of vibration and could also suffer from their potential corruption and distortion. It was the duty of the alchemist to purify mind and body and to separate the “Dross” that prevented these primordial rays of light from flowing in order to restore a harmony and wholeness of being. Spagyric medicine having achieved this restored perfection of essential principles in the plant kingdom could now, by way of sympathy help restore mans inner and outer being. Spagyric plant medicine is a truly holistic medicine in this way being that they provide balancing and healing on many levels of being, functioning as an ally to the individual on their journey to wholeness and harmony. It is highly recommended that such rarified medicines be used consciously with intention and mindfulness in ones personal practice of integrating Body, Mind, and Soul.

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