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Our Spagyric Process



 To demonstrate the spagyric process we will use one of our signature products, our "Turmeric Spagyric Tincture" to give you a guided tour of each step that goes into producing these specialized botanical medicines. This alchemical operation consists of the separation, purification, and reunification of the three essential principles (Body, Mind, Soul) present in the plant kingdom.

 Step 1.


For our Turmeric Spagyric Tincture we begin first with our fresh home grown, organically farmed Hawaiian turmeric (Ō’lena). This  potent medicinal rhizome is hand sliced, dried, and then powdered to allow for a complete full spectrum extraction. This vibrant Turmeric powder rich and abundant in volatile essential oils & curcuminoids is then covered with high proof cane spirit and sealed in an airtight vessel. This tincturing step draws all the medicinal compounds like a magnet into our menstruum or what is referred to as alchemical "mercury". This “Mercury” or “Mind” principle having been purified through distillation can now act as a carrier or bridge to take into itself the “Sulfur” or  “Soul” principle of this herb. The “Soul” principle consists of the volatile & fixed oils as well as any alkaloids or other soluble compounds specific to each plant. This principle expresses the individualized intelligence or personality of each plant and can be experience by the diverse aromatic oils one can smell that give each plant their own unique identity or signature. This solution of fresh Turmeric powder and alcohol are left to “macerate” together for a minimum of 30-40 days allowing a complete tincturing or union of the “Soul” of Turmeric with our alcohol or Mind principle. Once our maceration and tincturing has completed we are about ready to begin extracting our fixed “Salt” or “Body” principle which will eventually be re-united with the Soul and Mind principles of our Turmeric upon completion. First we must filter our tincture and separate the remaining plant matter from the liquid which is done via a vacuum pump and lab grade filter. 

Step 2.

   . .

Now our “calcination” stage begins which is a purification of the “Body” by fire. The “Body” of our Turmeric is ignited and burned for many hours until but only a fine grey ash remains. This remaining un-combustable ash is the fixed physical minerals that were present in the Turmeric which survive the element of fire. It was said by the alchemists that only which was corrupt or impure was capable of being destroyed by fire. After the purification of fire this fixed “body” or fine grey ash is again purified but this time through a “dissolution” of water. By a leaching of this ash with distilled water we are able to extract only the water soluble alkaline salts. These alkali minerals consisting of mostly a potassium carbonate (K2CO3) are then re-crystalized revealing beautiful white salt crystals. This purified fixed mineral  “Salt” principle becomes our resurrected or re-born “body” of Turmeric.

 Step 3.

 In the final stage of the spagyric process is what is referred to as the “cohobation” and “circulation” where the three essential principles of a plant (Body, Mind, Soul) which in this case Turmeric are finally brought back together and made ONE again. When we re-introduce these purified alkaline salts back into our tincture they initiate a chemical reaction with the acid based oil molecules converting them into more water soluble compounds. This acid/base reaction is what is responsible for activating our tincture and making it fully bioavailable and enhancing its overall potency. This reunion of essentials was viewed by the alchemists as wedding between Body, Mind, and Soul giving rise to a new elevated or evolved state of form& being. Through this new united form Turmeric has been transformed into a much more potentiated and effective herbal medicine.



All of ARKANA’s spagyric tinctures & extracts undergo this elaborate alchemical process of separation, purification, and recombination of essentials. It is only through the Spagyric art that the Body, Mind, and Soul of each plant can be brought together in a harmonically balanced way,  achieving the highest therapeutic action possible.


“The highest degree of a medicine is love.”







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